Thursday, October 18, 2012

An Overlooked Double-Standard, by Edward

Proverbs 20:10  "Differing weights and differing measures, Both of them are abominable to the LORD."

    I have noticed that Christians more easily label someone a false teacher or false brother when the person who is being labeled is far away.  Far away as in, never met before.  Maybe the person is some popular "Christian" personality or some teacher in some distant church.  Maybe the person really is a false teacher or brother and is doing harm to the Church, but then when a brother nearby espouses some false teachings, he is simply misunderstanding scripture or it is said, " Well, that's your opinion".   

     Do you see my point?  When a person is close by we are more quick to be merciful or to tolerate a brother's misunderstandings or sinful actions, but when someone is far away, we are more quick to judge or condemn.  

In some cases, the person far away really is a false teacher and the brother close by really does just misunderstand something, but the opposite is also true.  Sometimes the person we are tolerating is the false teacher and the person that is far way, that we are condemning, really honestly misunderstands something and needs mercy.  

     I think this is understandable to a degree since we don't have a relationship with the person far away, while we do with the brother who is close by.  It is also easier to take a stand against a teaching if you do not have to face the person that you are opposing, while it is harder to take a stand against a false teaching, when the person espousing it, is someone that you love dearly.  

     The Lord is clear though, a double standard is an abomination.  A person is a false teacher whether far away of close by, and if someone needs mercy close by, than the person far away also needs mercy.   

     My goal in writing this is not to encourage you to start labeling every brother with a wrong notion a false teacher, nor is it to encourage you be merciful with and embrace the false teacher who is far away.  It is simply to encourage you to judge justly. 

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Flowers Of The Field, by Edward

1 Peter 1:24-25 // For, “All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.

     It is not just Gods' word that teaches us this wisdom, that all things come to an end.  God teaches us this through nature.  This is one reason we age, to teach us that there is an end.  This is to teach us that,"if this life ends than why should we live for it"? 
     Everything that I have here will come to an end- my career,  my house, my car, my pleasures, all that I see.  My eyes are opening to this reality more and more and this is a great blessing.  It takes my eyes off of this world and helps to focus them on my eternal dwelling.  

     It is both sad and joyous at the same time.  It is sad because most in this world are fixated on this life and will not let it go for anything.  To them it's all about having the things of this world.  They want the career and so they live for the career.  They want their pleasure and so they live for their pleasure.  Their eyes don't lift up to heaven. They want this life, not realizing that it is all rot.  
     It is sadder still that many who call themselves Christians live this way as well, paying attention to the wisdom of this world. It is sad because most disappear into eternity separate from God.  

     It is joyous because this wisdom teaches me where true life resides.  Not in this world or all that it has to offer, but in God and His Son Jesus Christ.  It focuses me on living life to the full by abiding in His word and to find fulfillment there. It teaches me not to weigh myself down with worldly possessions and not to seek after this world's approval.  It removes this worlds baggage from me.  To know that this world ends is truly liberating.  It liberates me to follow Him.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Vessel For Use, by Edward

2 Timothy 2:20-21 "In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble.  If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work."

     I desire to be used by God, but as this scripture illustrates, if I want to be useful to Him, I need to cleanse myself from those things that would make me unfruitful.  I need to be made holy.  

     My favorite analogy to illustrate this point is that of my favorite coffee cup.  Every morning, I drink a cup of coffee or a cup of tea.  For my cup to useful to me, it needs to be clean.  If it is not clean, holy, I will put it down and reach for a different cup.  My cup is not useful until it is washed.  

     It is the same way between us and God.  To be useful to God we need to be holy in our daily lives.  He set us apart, washed us in baptism, gave us His Spirit, and put us on the vine. But now, we need to be holy.  

     It is not too much for Him to ask.  I encourage you to examine your actions to see if they are lining up with scripture.  What do you watch? What do you listen to? How do you speak?  Being entangled in this world defiles a mans conscience, turning him from the faith. 

1 Timothy 1:19 "holding on to faith and a good conscience. Some have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their faith".

It is hard to serve the Lord wholeheartedly with a guilty conscience. Being set apart from this world and it's pleasures is a great blessing.  Being useful to Him is a great blessing.  I hope that you may be useful to the Master.

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Montenegro Mission Trip, by Edward

August 10, 2012

Dear brothers and sisters,
     As many of you know, I lived in Tirana, Albania as a missionary with our church from 2000-2002. We were starting a church there. Ever since I came back to the States I have had a desire to go back to Eastern Europe to help spread the gospel there.  I love Eastern Europe- the people, the cultures, the languages.  I desire to teach the gospel there.  There are opportunities everywhere to spread the gospel, including here.   Men are needed everywhere to stand up and speak the gospel. 
     There is a good opportunity now in Montenegro.  After praying for a long time and seeking God's will we have made a decision to seek to move there.   If the support is there for us, we have every intention of going.  The need in Montenegro was brought to my attention about 9 months ago by a sister named Jo.  She teaches English with the World English Institute (WEI).  They teach the Bible by teaching English in foreign countries. The Bible is the English text from which the students learn.  Through WEI, Jo helped a young girl named Marsida become a disciple.  She was baptized about two years ago.  This girl is an Albanian that lives in Montenegro.  She lives in an Albanian community.
     Albanians make up about 5% of the total population of Montenegro.  Montenegro is situated on the east coast of the Adriatic Sea, across from Italy and sits on the northern border of Albania.  The area that we are seeking to go is about 2 1/2 hours from where I was in Tirana, Albania.  There are no churches of Christ in Montenegro that we know of, and Marsida does not know of anywhere to find fellowship.

     If the Lord is willing, we will be able to go and help start a church there.  Secondary to this is to be able to get to know and encourage the churches in Albania.  This would be for our own encouragement, as well.  Thirdly, if the Lord is willing, I hope to help a small church in eastern Hungary for a short amount of time.
      The term of our stay overseas is undetermined, but we are initially seeking support for the first year, though it is my prayer that we will be able to stay longer.  The amount that we are seeking is around $40,000 dollars for the first year.  Living in Montenegro is much less expensive than here in the US, but the travel there and back is considerable.  There are seven of us to fly over; me, my wife and five boys.  We are asking for more than we think we need for travel, living expenses, and obligations here in the US.  It is our goal to live on much less than what we are seeking, but also want to be safe because we don't know everything to expect.  We are writing this to ask for your support in this endeavor.  We are asking for your support through prayer and financial assistance if it is on your heart to give.  We would need monthly support, i.e. pledging to give a certain amount a month for a set time, as well as up-front donations to aid with travel expenses and start-up costs, once there. 
     We are seeking assistance from individuals as well as from congregations.  We have decided to only ask for pledges for now until we get a significant amount pledged, because if we are not able to go we do not want to have money to return, therefore we have removed the donate button.  If you would like to pledge monthly or a one-time support, you may contact me by email at  I understand that many of you may want to ask questions before deciding to give.  I will happily answer any questions.  Also, please forward this to anyone you feel may desire to help us in this effort.

     I am also praying that another couple would be able to go with us.  I am praying specifically for an Albanian couple to be able to help in the work, though the couple would not have to be Albanian.  More than one couple or single disciple would be welcome and a benefit.  It would be good to have their help in the work, as well as to mutually encourage and edify one another.

     I thank you for your consideration.
                                                                                                                                                                Your brother,

                                                                Edward Carlton

*Updated April 2024: We have been here in Eastern Europe since May 2023, and praise God, we have been self-supported!!!

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The Narrow Way, by Edward

I gave a lesson last week at the Casco Bay Church of Christ in Portland, Maine.  Wanted to share with any who might have interest in it.  It may be listened to at this link, . It is titled " The Narrow Way" but they have it titled " How narrow is the narrow road".  It should be the first one in the playlist. Please feel free to pass it on.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Falling From a Ladder, by Edward

      I fell off a ladder last week while working.  I was about seven to eight feet off the ground when I went down.  Not too high, but high enough to get hurt.  I am happy to report that I did not get hurt, aside from a little soreness on my stomach muscles and a little around my hips.  The worst part of the fall was when the ladder went out from under me.  It was very startling.  Once on the ground, ( I was sitting on my bottom with my legs out in front me because that is how I landed)  I surveyed my situation and tried to take in what had just happened.  I picked the paint can up, stood up, and made sure I was not hurt.  I then cleaned up the mess that I made from the fall, and then went right back up the ladder to finish what I was doing.

     Psalm 24:16 says, "For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again,".  Righteous men sin and fall, but they are not to stay down.  We are to learn from the fall and get up again, confessing our sins and repenting.  There is nothing we have done that cannot be forgiven, so long as we get back up again. Take courage. 

     On a side note, after months of prayer about an opportunity to plant a church in Montenegro, which is in Eastern Europe, we decided  (about a week and a half ago) to move there for an undetermined amount of time.  For now, we are seeking support for the first year, but I am hoping that we can go for a longer period of time. My desire to go there is strong, but I also had had fears of something happening to me or my family.  My fall from the ladder helped me to see that I can be hurt anywhere.  I needed to overcome these fears and the fall helped a great deal.  I thanked God for it multiple times after it happened.  

    We will post more information soon with details about Montenegro.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lessons From a Camp Fire, by Amy Joy

     This week, Edward was burning a pile of branches that we have.  We were out in the yard, enjoying the experience of the small, controlled fire.  However, as our oldest son, who is 7, pointed out when he was rather close to it, that it was pretty hot.  I told him that that is one reason that we really do not want ourselves or others to go to hell.  I thought about it more while I stood and stared at the burning embers.  To actually be burning, forever, will be unbearable and it is unbearable to even think about for myself and others.  I think about how hot the fire was made to be in Daniel 3 and how much more intense hell will be. God loves us and we benefit from fearing him.

Proverbs 1:7  The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and      discipline.

Psalm 19:9  The fear of the LORD is pure, enduring forever.  The ordinances of the LORD are sure and altogether righteous.

     As the kids and I memorized part of Psalm 103, I pointed out that a lot of good that God promises is for "those who fear him.," not just for those who "believe" in him.   I've added the italics in the following scriptures.

Psalm 103:11  For as far as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.

Psalm 103:13  As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him.

Psalm 103:17  But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him;

Psalm 128:1  Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in his ways.  

     People, even ourselves, have a tendency to want to make God out to be, as my husband says, "a big teddy bear."  Maybe we think that people will accept or desire Him more if we make Him out to be that way.  Hebrews 10:31 warns, "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."
Of course, God is so perfectly good, and He has given us hope. Hebrews  12:28-29 encourages us with these words, "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our 'God is a consuming fire.' "

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Keeping the Ship Afloat, by Amy Joy

     Well, it's been a while since I've written.  I haven't forgotten about the blog, but I liken it to keeping a ship above water.  Sometimes, it takes all that I have to manage my home and take care of my family. As I wrote in my article about the woman's role, is the most important responsibility, besides my relationship with God.  

     In the story of Jonah, the people were throwing things overboard to keep their boat afloat.  I've had to throw all sorts of things "overboard", almost all extra or unnecessary things.  I don't go many places besides church. I've found that it really takes away from time at home that I need to get done my daily tasks.  
  People comment to me about how happy my kids are.  I know that it is because of God, and trying to apply His truths in our lives.  I laugh, too, saying that they are actually just so happy to be out!  In truth, they are actually quite content here at home, which is great.  Going out is just an extra treat!  

     I'll write when I can!

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Are You A Doomsday Prepper? by Edward

Amy and I were watching a program about people who were preparing for different armageddon scenarios.   They were all tenaciously preparing food, shelter, and personal means of protection. Some of the scenarios that they were worried about were a bit odd, while others seemed quite plausible.  

It was a fairly interesting program, but Amy and I both came away thinking about how godless all of the preparations were.  Not that it's necessarily wrong to make preparations for certain events; it's prudent. What was godless, was that the purpose of the preparations are to extend their lives as long as possible, but none of them were walking according to His ways.  

Christ said in Luke 9:24, "For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it."  They were all working so hard to make sure that they survived when everything goes down, but were not concerned about their souls.  They were all so concerned about a possible future event, but gave no heed to a definite future event, the true doomsday, when all men will stand before Jesus, who will render to every man according to His works. (Romans 2:6-11)

As Christians,  we need to be doomsday preppers.  We need to be storing up treasures in heaven as these people stored up food on earth.  We need to be ready for that day.  

Our Lord exhorted us in Matthew 24:44, "For this reason you also must be ready; for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will."

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Pure Motives, by Edward

Psalm 19:9, "The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever."

      I had read this passage before and had a hard time understanding it.   How is the fear of the Lord pure?  But now, when I think about it alongside Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God," it makes sense.  

     I have an evil heart.  I have impure motives that come through my head everyday in many situations, but I also have a fear of the Lord.  I recognize Him, I recognize that He sees my heart and knows what's going on in it.  So, even though I have impure motives to do things, the fear of Him purifies my motives so that I may learn to do what pleases Him.  If my motives are purified, then I have the hope of the blessing in Matthew 5:8.
     It brings joy to do things for the right reasons and removes the guilt of doing things for the wrong reasons.  The fear of Him works to my benefit.  He is a good God.

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Saturday, May 5, 2012

It All Comes To LIght, by Edward

     I work as a contractor.  I mostly paint, but I also install flooring, put up trim and do other finish type work.  Not long ago, I was at a customer's house doing some painting.  In their dining room, there was an old telephone on the wall that they wanted removed and then the hole behind it patched and painted.  The paint had been there a long time.  It looked sound, until I started scraping the paint around the hole.  The paint started coming off in sheets.  Right away, I thought to myself, "whoever painted this last did not prep properly".  In fact, I don't think they prepped at all because paint does not just start peeling away like that.  

     In 1 Corinthians 3:10b-13 it says,"But each one should be careful how he builds.  For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man’s work."

     From what I understand, Paul is speaking of those leading the church and the quality of teaching, preaching and the example of their lives with which they build up the church. But the same principle applies to our Christian lives.  The day will bring to light what kind of faith we truly have. Our lives may look good right now.  We may present a good show to others as being spiritual, but make no mistake, the day will bring to light how seriously we have taken our walk with God.    

     We should take heed to build our faith with costly and choice stones, not being lazy in our search for truth or in our actions.  Whoever painted that room did a shoddy job.  It looked good for a time, but the day of my scraping brought to light the quality of that mans' work.  When He comes,  will you be able to stand?  Consider!

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