Sunday, February 26, 2012

Obedience is Legalism? Really? By Edward

     Have you ever spoken to a fellow Christian about a certain conviction you hold, or about obedience to a commandment of Christ, and gotten the response, " That's legalistic."  I sure have.  I find it funny that if I speak about literal obedience to Christs' commandments, I am considered a legalist.  I am all of a sudden trying to work my way to heaven.  If I think that Christ meant what He said, I am a legalist, a scribe, a pharisee.  

     Legalism is a word I very rarely use; after all, it is not a Bible word.  Christ did not use it.  He used two other words.  Do you know what they are?  They are hypocrite and lawless.  Christ never condemned the Sadducees and Pharisees for obedience, for keeping the Law.  When He condemned them, He condemned them for hypocrisy and lawlessness, for not obeying.  

     After all, Jesus Himself kept the Law perfectly.  Was He a legalist for obeying the Law?  I think not. What about Moses?  He kept the Law, he even had a man put to death for gathering firewood on the Sabbath ( Num. 15:32-36).  He must have been a legalist; he took God at His word and obeyed.  

     I have found that those who harp on the word legalism are usually covering their own legalism, I'm sorry, I mean hypocrisy and lawlessness.  They're usually the ones looking for loopholes to the commandments, bringing the commandments to nothing, having spiritualized them into oblivion.  It is usually a deflection from their own disobedience.  

     God has not given us commandments to break or to ignore, but to follow.  How unfair it would be for Him to command us to do something and then to condemn us if we do it.  How unfair it would be to tell us to do something that He does not really want us to do.  No, Jesus only commands that which He wants us to follow.  

     Not only that, but He goes so far as to say that this is how we will truly know if we love Him, by obeying what He has commanded.  Jesus has said in John 14:15, "If you love me, you will obey what I command."  He has also said in verse 21 of the same chapter,  "Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”  One more verse just for good measure, though there are many more, 1 John 5:3, "This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome."  You see, obedience is not legalism, it is love for Him.  

     The next time someone calls you a legalist for striving to obey God, let the comment slide right off you and continue doing right.  And you, for your part, if you are going to label someone a legalist, ask yourself first if they are being hypocritical or lawless.  If not, maybe you should keep the comment to yourself.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Thoughts From An Older and Wiser Friend, by Amy Joy

     I want to share some of the thoughts that an older and wiser Christian friend wrote to me after she read my first articles.  

     "Thank you for doing this.  It is a message that is soooo needed.  I am sure many women would love to know more on how to be pleasing to God and how to "Bring up your Child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord" - and to be reassured that they are doing the right thing by staying home and keeping home and being aware and involved with the children, even if some are "not as bonded" (that statement bothers me so much)  as others in the home... this being the time to direct the children in the direction they need to go - and making it a wonderful experience of closeness and loving fun times as well as times to discipline... and how important it is to be home so you catch the "troubling" behavior at the beginning of it - rather than when it has become part of the child's regular actions.  Closeness in the family is so important.  And you get closeness by being involved with your child - not always letting them play alone - but often  playing with them..."

      "I see Satan infiltrating the home in his deceptive way - making his gadgets so attractive... making the women think they are doing good by using them so much... "

      " 'Satan's gadgets'.  I may have labeled them incorrectly - because most tools have their good uses, what the tool was meant to be used for -  I am sometimes too passionate I think.  I express myself too passionately too, because sometimes I scare people.  Or they think I'm bonkers.  But when I speak like this it is most often to Christian women and therefore I hope, it urges them on, to think about what they are spending their precious time on... gadgets to communicate with people??  or really communicating and being mentally involved with their kids.  Making them realize what a waste of time these fancy phones, these fancy technical gadgets are... Bigger, better, faster ... we need to ask ourselves - how often do our children see us with a Bible open? actually reading it?   How often does a child catch us on the computer or texting?  What will we leave in our child's mind as the child absorbs everything like a sponge?"

      "I realize the men who work in the work force to provide for their families,  who need them - to them it is a tool (which can rule your life ) but the women need to put those things aside and stay domestic minded... challenging themselves to be a better mother, a better housekeeper, a better cook, washerwoman... a better Christian.  Satan wants us to neglect our children.  Our children are only with us for such a short time - if we only knew..."

      "I find it a rare thing to see a young mother who is really INVOLVED with all her children - I thank God there are still some wonderful examples of 'a good mother'...  putting self aside to meet the needs of their husband and children - not be so self indulging, or so self absorbed..."

      "If women could realize that God has priorities we need to follow.  Jesus first (obedience to God), others second, yourself last... J.O.Y."
      "That when the children are gone?  Then you will be able to do all the things you want to do that take so much of your mind and energy - creating comes later - right now your child's mind is developing tremendously fast - what we don't do with them now... they will not want to do with you later either... you are developing a precious close relationship... or you are not... you are the one who controls that - they are still little ones, wanting their mother's love and attention."

     "Sometimes a friend visiting and a cup of tea are just such a good thing - but going out too much - to different Bible studies - neglecting the appearance of your home so that your husband sighs because of the dust and the dirt on the floor - pushing off until tomorrow what we should be doing right now... because we are going to 3 or 4 different Bible studies or 'good work' things - it's not such a good thing... if we are neglecting our children, our husband, our home..."

      "There are many many women who have these concerns... and do their part in their section of God's Kingdom;  thank you for writing what is on your heart."

     I hope that you will benefit from her words as I have!

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lacking, by Edward

James 1:4 - "Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
     If you were in the process of baking a cake, and in the middle of mixing it, realized that you were lacking one or two key ingredients, what would you do?  If you really wanted to finish the cake you, would either go to your neighbor's house to ask for the missing ingredients or you would go to the store to pick up what you were lacking, right?  This is what I would do, especially since I really like cake.  

     What would you think of a person who started mixing, was missing a couple of key ingredients, but acted like nothing was missing?  Wouldn't you think it was absurd?  Would you want that cake when it was done?  It is as if admitting lacking an ingredient is somehow a bad thing.  I know what I would say to such a person, "What's the big deal?  Just go get the ingredients!"  

     You know what, though? As ridiculous as this example is, Christians do it all the time.  As if somehow admitting there is a deficiency, error, misunderstanding, oversight, or even disobedience in their walk, is going to erase their entire walk with God.  If you're lacking something, even something big, it does not necessarily mean that your entire walk with God was a lie, it just means that you are lacking something.  What's the big deal?  

     Fill up where you're lacking.  I know that I am lacking in my walk.  If I admit that I am lacking, I can obtain that which I am lacking.  However, if I refuse to admit that I am lacking, then I cannot obtain that which I am lacking.  I will either remain deficient in an area of my life, or even worse, miss out on the kingdom entirely.  Harm comes when we, in pride, refuse to admit that we are lacking.  

     Humility is a wonderful thing; it helps us to see our need before God.  Micah 6:8 says, "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"  Pray for humility before God, asking for help to see where you are lacking in your walk.  I know that I need to pray for humility, because it is hard for me to be honest with myself sometimes.  Though I have really had to wrestle sometimes throughout my Christian walk, admitting the deficiency has always built me up, making my walk with God fuller, it has never torn me down.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Funerals, by Edward

     I find funerals to be very encouraging events.  When I say encouraging, I don't mean that during the service, I am sitting there smiling, feeling uplifted.  If anything, I feel downcast and sad as I look upon the person that has ceased to be among the living, especially if I know the person did not walk with God or even desire to so. 

     Sadder still, as the person performing the service informs everyone present that this person (who did not love) God is in heaven.  It is amazing that the person who died always winds up in heaven.  Have you ever been to a funeral where the person was not said to be in heaven?  It seams like hell is not meant for anyone we know, just those other people over there, somewhere!  

I leave all judgment in God's hand, where it belongs, but cannot help but think about what His word says.  It makes me sad, as I look at others who have attended, and know that most of them will go off and continue to snub God themselves, thinking that their end is far off.  That they can think about death later.  

     When I said encouraged, I meant that I feel encouraged to consider my walk with God more closely.  I feel encouraged to hold onto what I know to be true more tightly.  I feel encouraged to pursue truth more diligently.  I feel encouraged to not play games with scripture but to take scripture even more seriously.  I feel encouraged to repent of sin in my life.  I feel encouraged to consider my final end as I will stand before my great and holy God.  

     Funerals always promote a healthy, thoughtful mindset within me.  They always work for my good.  I have been to quite a few, including one of my brother's, an uncle's, a cousin's, two grandmothers', a grandfather's, a great grandmother's, friends', friends' relatives'; both Christians and non-Christians.  They have all worked for my benefit.  I do not desire to go to any more, especially that of a close family member.  Let them work for you,  let them cause you to consider your final outcome, that you may be found in Him.  Also let them cause you to consider the outcome of those who do not know God.  Will you speak to them about Jesus, repentance and salvation, or will you remain silent and let them just slip off into eternity?  Here are a couple verses to consider.

Luke 13:1-5 - Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.  Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way?  I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.  Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem?  I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

Hebrews 9:27 - Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment,

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A Gentle and Quiet Spirit, by Amy Joy

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight." 1 Peter 3:3-4

 What really struck me when I was meditating on this, was that having a gentle and quiet spirit is of "great worth in God's sight".  It can be so tempting to care about what other people think of us, and to a degree, that is of some value.  However, it is God that I want to please.  He is so great, and whatever He thinks is what matters, even if it is contrary to most people's views.  If something is of great worth in God's sight, then I really need to contemplate that and also hold it as valuable.  How incredible, that to God, for a woman to have a gentle and quiet spirit is beautiful and incredibly valuable!  

1 Samuel 16:7b says, "The LORD does not look at the things man looks at.  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."  That is a familiar passage to many, but it goes along with it being important that our spirit is gentle and quiet.  This is something that does not come easy for me, but I believe in it and desire to have it.

It says in 1 Peter 3:1-2,"Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives, when they see the purity and reverence of your lives." 

The world values women who are bold and outspoken.  They are seen as powerful.  However, God's wisdom is that women are "powerful" by having a gentle and quiet spirit.  We don't need to try to be "powerful".  That does us no good.  That is not what God sees as beautiful and valuable. 

I love the story in Esther 1 about Queen Vashti when she refused to appear before the king's guests to display her beauty. Memucan, o e of the king's advisors said, "Queen Vashti has done wrong, not only against the king but also against all the nobles and the peoples of all the provinces of King Xerxes. For the queen's conduct will become known to all the women, and so they will despise their husbands and say, `King Xerxes commanded Queen Vashti to be brought before him, but she would not come.'" Esther 1:17-18

Is this not what has happened in our society? As it says in Proverbs 12:20, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." The examples of other people can be very influential on us, right? Whether they are actual people in our lives, or in the media, characters in books, entertainment, etc..  We have to be careful who we admire, so that we can grow wiser and not suffer harm.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cookie Idea, by Amy Joy

We do this many nights after dinner.  It is certainly not an original idea, but one that we have been using and enjoying for the past couple of months.

Make a batch or double batch of cookie dough (Chocolate chip is our personal favorite!). 
Place wax or parchment paper on a cookie sheet.
Spoon dough onto paper.  You can place the cookies very close together, just as long as they aren't touching.
Cover, and place in the freezer.
Once frozen, place frozen cookie dough balls in a freezer bag (double bag for freshness) or container, and put in the freezer.

When you want to make fresh, hot, or warm cookies, just take them out and cook a small amount at a time.We use our toaster oven as it saves on electricity and is pretty easy.  

We like doing this so that we can have warm, fresh cookies, and only cooking a designated amount makes them last longer because we're not indulging in them throughout the day!!! This is also perfect for when you have planned or unexpected company.  

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Point to Him, by Edward

     One day a few years ago, I was at a get-together at a brother's house, and a sister approached me to ask me for some advice.  The first words from her mouth were, "You've got two brains.  You know the Bible well and I wanted to see what you thought about this."  Her words here are paraphrased, as I don't remember exactly how she worded it.  

She went on to explain what she was asking advice about.  How do you think I answered her?  I gave her my thoughts about her particular question and then went on to address the remark about the "two brains".   It was meant as a compliment, but I really wanted to seize this opportunity to point her to the Bible and not to man's opinions.  From what I understand she had received plenty of man's opinions about what she could or should do regarding this situation; opinions that went against the scriptures.  It was a good opportunity to say, "Hey, just go to the Bible and read it, take it seriously, accept it as a child accepts his father's word, and do it."  

You see, it is so easy to hold certain men in high esteem and just accept what they say scripture says, because they seem so spiritual.  It seems that so many don't trust themselves to simply be able to read and understand what God has written to all of us.  Even evangelists, teachers and elders do this.  They want to add more weight to what they are saying in a sermon and will start quoting different authors or commentaries about what they say the scriptures say, instead of just expounding from the scriptures themselves.  

Jesus said in Matthew 23:8-10, “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.  And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.   Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ."  

Jesus is our Teacher and no one else.  If we look to what men say about what scripture really says, then Jesus is not our teacher anymore, is He?  Jesus has appointed teachers in the church and they fill a very important role, but they are there to point to The Teacher, not to themselves or to others.  What about you?  Do you run to The Teacher or to men for your confidence?  His words bring life, and peace, and joy.  His words do not need interpreters, but hearers.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Foresaw Calamity, by Edward

      A couple of weeks ago after dinner, my 20-month-old went over to the empty infant car seat in the living room, which had its carrying handle raised.  He was about to sit down on the end of the seat (remember, the bottom of this is curved like a rocker).  I said to him, " Don't sit down there, you're going to get hit on the head".  

Seeing that my warning was falling on deaf ears, I called all of my boys to me and said to them, "Watch your brother.  He's going to get hit on the head".  Sure enough, he sat down and "bop," right on the back of his head.  What did he do but try again, "bop,"and again "bop," and again "bop."  The other boys thought that this was pretty funny.  

I looked at the them and asked, "What did I say was going to happen?"  They answered, "You said it was going to hit him on the head".  I followed up with, "And what happened?"  They answered, "It hit him on the head."  This was a fairly comical situation, but I was trying to make the point that I know more than them and the reason that I have rules and commandments for them is for their protection.  

I was trying to help them to see that when I speak they should trust me and obey right away so that no harm comes to them.  Sometimes even a brief delay in obeying can have terrible consequences.  How much more so with God and His word? Consider the following passages.

Deuteronomy 10:12-13  "And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all his ways, to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?"

Job 38:1-5 - Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm. He said:
“Who is this that darkens my counsel
with words without knowledge?
Brace yourself like a man;
I will question you,
and you shall answer me.
“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?
Tell me, if you understand.
Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!
Who stretched a measuring line across it?"

 He is all-knowing and speaks for my good.

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