My mother has often told me the story of when I was a baby and at the doctor's office, I sat right up as soon as she finished the exam. This was back in 1978. My pediatrician remarked to my mother that I would be a "woman's libber" someday, seeing the determination and confidence that I had as I sat up, I suppose. Maybe she thought that it was a compliment. My mother knew what the Bible taught on woman's roles, so she was certainly hoping that I would not turn out to be a "woman's libber".
After my mother recently retold the story to me, I surprised her by saying something to the effect of , "And she was right!" My mother looked at me, quite confused. There I was, standing before her, a Christian woman, wearing a head covering (a symbol of authority), a long skirt, having long hair that I had grown because my husband likes it. I happily gave up my career to stay at home and raise my children. I am in total agreement with what God says about women, including that it is "disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church". I hate when people are so scared to offend women by practicing the things that He says to, as if God is not loving and His ways are not best. I am confident of God's love for me and that in Him I am of equal value as that of a man. Paul writes in Galatians 3:28-29, "There is neither ...male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." I am not offended by the truth when I am considered "the weaker partner". I know that I am also an heir with my husband "of the gracious gift of life..." (both 1Peter 3:7).
Thinking about having recently started this blog, with my intent to encourage women, particularly in areas concerning our role, I realized I am a "woman's libber" after all! For when we follow and hold to Jesus' teachings, then we know the truth and the truth does set us free! I am free! I am liberated, and I want to encourage other women to be the same!
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