Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Flowers Of The Field, by Edward

1 Peter 1:24-25 // For, “All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.” And this is the word that was preached to you.

     It is not just Gods' word that teaches us this wisdom, that all things come to an end.  God teaches us this through nature.  This is one reason we age, to teach us that there is an end.  This is to teach us that,"if this life ends than why should we live for it"? 
     Everything that I have here will come to an end- my career,  my house, my car, my pleasures, all that I see.  My eyes are opening to this reality more and more and this is a great blessing.  It takes my eyes off of this world and helps to focus them on my eternal dwelling.  

     It is both sad and joyous at the same time.  It is sad because most in this world are fixated on this life and will not let it go for anything.  To them it's all about having the things of this world.  They want the career and so they live for the career.  They want their pleasure and so they live for their pleasure.  Their eyes don't lift up to heaven. They want this life, not realizing that it is all rot.  
     It is sadder still that many who call themselves Christians live this way as well, paying attention to the wisdom of this world. It is sad because most disappear into eternity separate from God.  

     It is joyous because this wisdom teaches me where true life resides.  Not in this world or all that it has to offer, but in God and His Son Jesus Christ.  It focuses me on living life to the full by abiding in His word and to find fulfillment there. It teaches me not to weigh myself down with worldly possessions and not to seek after this world's approval.  It removes this worlds baggage from me.  To know that this world ends is truly liberating.  It liberates me to follow Him.

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