What I am most excited to share with other women about, is what I have been learning about my role as a woman. When I became a Christian, I was nineteen. I was single, had just moved out on my own, and was working as a hairdresser. When I learned about God's plan of salvation, one thing that really struck my heart was, "What about all the people who don't know?!!!" I have felt a burden to help save the world since then.
When I became a mother a little over seven years ago, I found it a challenge to try to schedule Bible studies with the women I would meet and want to share the gospel with. People would tell me, "Your child is your ministry now." I thought it was a "cop-out". I didn't want to be "let off the hook" of helping to save the world. After all, I know that when Jesus told His disciples to "go make disciples of all nations..." in Matthew 28:19-20, it applies to me, as well.
A couple of years ago, or so, I was really praying that God would help me to understand His will for me as a Christian woman. Later that evening, my husband asked if he could share a scripture with me that he had just read.
He read from 1 Timothy 5:9-15 with the instructions for widows. Looking at the list of things that an older widow should have been doing throughout her life to be put on "the list" has helped me so much. The first thing on the list is that she should have been faithful to her husband. Second that she should be well known for her good deeds. What really struck me, encouraged and relieved me so much is the first example of a good deed mentioned is, "bringing up children". I never knew that that would be considered a good deed! It gave me so much relief and encouragement because taking care of my kids seems to take up almost all of my time !
The second thing on the list of good deeds is offering hospitality. That is something that being at home with the children I can do and enjoy I doing.
Reading about what the younger widows were counseled to do also has given me direction. They were told to marry, have children, to manage their homes, and to give the enemy no opportunity for slander. So, along with raising my children I am to manage my home.
I also looked to Titus 2:3-5 to learn what I should be doing. The older women are told to train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands.
The first thing on this list is to love my husband and children. I have come to realize that God's will for me at this point in my life is to love Him with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength, and in doing so, to love my husband and children, and to manage my home.
I am so grateful to have this understanding of my role. Now that I know this is what God wants for me, I am taking my role very seriously and doing it with all my heart. I am loving it and enjoying it. I no longer feel as if I'm not doing enough to save the world.
I do try to do whatever I can in the time that I have to try to help others, whether it be making a meal for someone who needs help, or asking a stranger when I'm out shopping if he or she is interested in doing a Bible study or going to church.
However, I see in 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 that we are to make it our ambition to lead quiet lives so that our daily lives will win the respect of outsiders. This is all relatively new thinking to me, but encouraging, that by my quiet life inside my small home with my family, I can actually make a difference and help save the world!