Saturday, February 4, 2012

Point to Him, by Edward

     One day a few years ago, I was at a get-together at a brother's house, and a sister approached me to ask me for some advice.  The first words from her mouth were, "You've got two brains.  You know the Bible well and I wanted to see what you thought about this."  Her words here are paraphrased, as I don't remember exactly how she worded it.  

She went on to explain what she was asking advice about.  How do you think I answered her?  I gave her my thoughts about her particular question and then went on to address the remark about the "two brains".   It was meant as a compliment, but I really wanted to seize this opportunity to point her to the Bible and not to man's opinions.  From what I understand she had received plenty of man's opinions about what she could or should do regarding this situation; opinions that went against the scriptures.  It was a good opportunity to say, "Hey, just go to the Bible and read it, take it seriously, accept it as a child accepts his father's word, and do it."  

You see, it is so easy to hold certain men in high esteem and just accept what they say scripture says, because they seem so spiritual.  It seems that so many don't trust themselves to simply be able to read and understand what God has written to all of us.  Even evangelists, teachers and elders do this.  They want to add more weight to what they are saying in a sermon and will start quoting different authors or commentaries about what they say the scriptures say, instead of just expounding from the scriptures themselves.  

Jesus said in Matthew 23:8-10, “But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have only one Master and you are all brothers.  And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father, and he is in heaven.   Nor are you to be called ‘teacher,’ for you have one Teacher, the Christ."  

Jesus is our Teacher and no one else.  If we look to what men say about what scripture really says, then Jesus is not our teacher anymore, is He?  Jesus has appointed teachers in the church and they fill a very important role, but they are there to point to The Teacher, not to themselves or to others.  What about you?  Do you run to The Teacher or to men for your confidence?  His words bring life, and peace, and joy.  His words do not need interpreters, but hearers.

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God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Thought-provoking, Edward! I am glad you and Amy Joy have started your Blog.
