I sit here in peace. I am so grateful for God and His word and the life that He has given to me because of His Word. I am so happy because of God.
Upon reading this last scripture, I realized that even in this day and age and in countries where freedom of religion is allowed, I still should be armed with the same attitude. We do not know what the future will bring, except the return of Christ. Our current freedoms may be taken away. I realized that I should also help my children to have the same mindset from their young age. I want my children to be prepared for anything, especially to stay faithful amidst persecution. Jesus says, "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life." Revelation 2:10b. That is what I want! For myself, my family, and the whole world! These scriptures remind me of Jesus' encouragement in Matthew 6:19-24 about storing up your treasures in heaven and linking it to where your heart will be.
So, my peace does not come from things such as the luxuries or relationships or activities that the world believes will bring peace, but by following Him and obeying him. My peace during persecution comes from Jesus' words that He spoke long ago, saying that these things would happen, but that I will have a great reward in heaven, and I am blessed to be able to suffer for His name. There are many more scriptures that I have seen being alive and active because of the persecution and hardships that I have faced. It has made my faith and hope stronger. After Jesus told His disciples that the world will hate them because they hated Him first, in John 15:18-27, Jesus says, "All this I have told you so that you will not go astray." (John 16:1).
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