Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Falling From a Ladder, by Edward

      I fell off a ladder last week while working.  I was about seven to eight feet off the ground when I went down.  Not too high, but high enough to get hurt.  I am happy to report that I did not get hurt, aside from a little soreness on my stomach muscles and a little around my hips.  The worst part of the fall was when the ladder went out from under me.  It was very startling.  Once on the ground, ( I was sitting on my bottom with my legs out in front me because that is how I landed)  I surveyed my situation and tried to take in what had just happened.  I picked the paint can up, stood up, and made sure I was not hurt.  I then cleaned up the mess that I made from the fall, and then went right back up the ladder to finish what I was doing.

     Psalm 24:16 says, "For though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again,".  Righteous men sin and fall, but they are not to stay down.  We are to learn from the fall and get up again, confessing our sins and repenting.  There is nothing we have done that cannot be forgiven, so long as we get back up again. Take courage. 

     On a side note, after months of prayer about an opportunity to plant a church in Montenegro, which is in Eastern Europe, we decided  (about a week and a half ago) to move there for an undetermined amount of time.  For now, we are seeking support for the first year, but I am hoping that we can go for a longer period of time. My desire to go there is strong, but I also had had fears of something happening to me or my family.  My fall from the ladder helped me to see that I can be hurt anywhere.  I needed to overcome these fears and the fall helped a great deal.  I thanked God for it multiple times after it happened.  

    We will post more information soon with details about Montenegro.

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God bless you!

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