Monday, May 29, 2023

The Road to Bardhaj (Barth-eye)

On our trip to the river that I shared in my last post, we had talked to some locals who told us that there was a bridge going over the river a little farther down the road. Without food or water with us, we decided against it. The next day, though, we decided to go to the bridge and see what was beyond it. We had seen a nice little village from where we had been on the river bank. We headed out with a couple loaves of bread.

I was enjoying the beauty so much, that I didn't notice the clouds

This must look quite different when the river is full. The water is very clear

Just after crossing the bridge, we saw a woman sitting on the edge of a grassy lot that had a couple of tethered cattle grazing.

We saw several men driving horse-drawn carts, some loaded with hay. 

It was so beautiful. People in this part of the world really make the most out of their land, growing all sorts of things on it. 

Every new step gave us another angle on our scenic route.

A house with a view of mountains in every direction. We had been walking for quite a while. With no public restrooms around, and children with little feet and legs, I kept thinking that we should be turning back. Scottie informed me that it was only another ten minutes to these foothills pictured above. I had no intention of going there, but apparently the boys did. Being almost 5km/3mi (which I didn't know at the time) from the hostel, I knew that, as beautiful as this road was, I didn't really want to ever do it again. I figured that we might as well keep going if they were up to it. 

After turning around at the foothills we got to see the beautiful sights again. 

As I was admiring the view from where all of these people live, we noticed a sign that said that this property is for sale. So appealing!

Many yards that day, had piles of hay that they had cut with scythes.

This one also had cattle grazing.

A kush looking field. 

Here was another plot for sale.

We were finally about to cross back over the river. We got caught in rain multiple times.

We got back on the main road with the large mountain to the north and the hostel to the south. We picked up our pace and made it home before too long. 

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