Here is a compilation of photos with different things from life here.
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Once we signed papers to rent a house, Edward bought a used bike. After his first ride, he said that the city suddenly became smaller. What used to take 30 minutes now only takes 10. He still enjoys walking daily.
The owner of the house said that we can use her bike. I use it when I need to go out shopping across town. It's a bit scary and dangerous with all of the cars and chaos on the roads. At the same time, it can be fun, beautiful, and peaceful for me to get out by myself.
On this particular day, the bike was loaded down with fruits and veggies in the front basket, a garbage can in a bag on the handlebar, and a bunch of fabric for curtains in the back basket.
A few days later, I was running an errand on my biçikleta (beechy-clay-tah)(bike). Who did I run into but Edward Jr.! He had gone out to talk to people about God, as has been his habit here. I was completely, but pleasantly surprised to find him having a discussion with this young man at a cafe.
Edward Sr. had taken a taxi to the nearby country of Montenegro. It's about an hour from us to the capital city. Apparently it is the place to go for good, orderly, and quality shopping.
Edward was hoping to find some woodworking tools. He did, and was very happy about it. He was also excited to find a blender for about $6.
One thing that he misses here is peanut butter. They do have it, but it's expensive and sold in small jars. In Montenegro he bought some large bags of peanuts and decided that we could blend them up in our new blender.
When he got home, he tried it out. The kids were very interested, and he was very excited.
It has been a daily staple again in our house, along with fresh bakery bread for lunch. We like it better than the processed spread that we were used to.
Another daily staple has been veggies.
All of these vegetables were less than $5, bought at a nearby stand.
We are having loads of veggies every night with our dinner.
Edward told us while we were still in the US, "Albanians take their shoes off before going in the house. We will be too." Well, it's our new practice.
There are "bar cafés" all over the place. People get together and have coffee throughout the day.
This was at a cafe on our 20th anniversary in June. Being so close to many inexpensive cafes and having several older children to watch the younger ones, we have been enjoying going out on dates frequently.
Edward had told me about this for years before coming. Widows will typically be dressed in all black, all day, everyday for the rest of their lives.
I didn't want to stop and ask anyone for a picture, so it's not
close, but above are two widows walking down the street together. My heart goes out to them.
Finding pants for the boys that I consider decent or traditional is hard enough in the US. It's even harder here! A new fad that I see is clothing with drops of paint all over the clothes, as well as the most desirable holes, of course! I can't tell you how many pants like that that I had kept in a box for when we would be painting the house. I carefully went through them and threw them all away before moving! These jeans pictured above are labeled with my family's Italian name.
This rack was here at the house from when the former tenant used it for his hostel. Willem quietly took it outside and started organizing things in it. It became his little store.
We started school early this year to keep the kids occupied and so that we could take breaks if we have any visitors. Hint! Hint! ;) This was on Tucker's first day of school.
These are some of the things that have been happening with us here!
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