Monday, August 21, 2023

Albanian Wedding Festivities

One evening last week, we heard music being played outside. The kids told me that a neighborhood friend had told him that the people at the end of our road were getting married this past weekend. He informed them that in Albania, it is the custom to play music and have people over for the seven days prior to the wedding.

Sure enough, every night after that, we heard the music being played loudly until midnight. They kept their gate open so that friends and family could come and go. Above the gate, there was a sign that read, "Këtu Ka Dasëm" (Here Has Wedding).

The kids would look into the yard when they rode their bikes down there. A young boy told us that anyone would be welcome. I was happy for the couple and interested in what was going on, but I certainly didn't want to show up uninvited! 

We have seen and heard several wedding processions recently. It is their tradition to decorate cars belonging to friends and family. The first car has a photographer hanging out of a window or sunroof while he is filming the event.  Following this is the bridal car decorated with flowers, ribbons and maybe a vale. The license plate is covered up by a wedding tag. There are usually several other vehicles with them, often with people hanging out of the windows. From what I understand, they drive to get the bride, then go to the location of the ceremony, then back to the bride and groom's new home honking their horns each step of the way.

At 8:00 Sunday morning, the day of the wedding, the music started up again. The boys said that they had heard it playing quietly when they had woken up around 5:30. Around 8:20 am, the cars began driving down our road, honking their horns. We ran out of the house and gate, just in time to wave to the people in the last car. Our neighbor across the street was also out on her balcony watching, showing her support to the family.

Two and a half hours later, we were on our way out of our gate to go to a park. We heard the horns honking again.  The procession was back with the now-married couple. I was so excited to be able to witness this.

Above is the photographer getting out of his car.

Below is the bridal vehicle. "Urime," covering the license plate, means congratulations.

The other cars parked behind the new couple.

The bride was dressed in a modern wedding gown.  Her bridesmaids were dressed in matching traditional outfits. The men had little hats on.

All gathered together to begin walking down the road to the couple's new home.

Joining them were a few men, loudly playing very festive music on their instruments. Another man was carrying a loud speaker with music coming from it. They really made everything come alive. 

We watched them make a grand return back to their house.

When our oldest two sons came home that day, they had their own videos and stories of the wedding processions that they had seen that day. One party was throwing candy out as they drove by, so they brought a good stash of it home with them.

We have heard that there are more Albanians living abroad than in the country itself. Supposedly, tourism this summer is up 60% here. We see lots of Europeans with hiking gear. A friend also explained that Albanians come back to have their weddings here. Friends and family living abroad will also return to attend the festivities. I can understand that if people have grown up experiencing such a celebration, that they would certainly want to return for it.

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